
The Foundation of Brain Health: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Relationships

At the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, we believe that true brain health begins with a holistic approach to wellness. Our thoughts, beliefs, nutrition, relationships, sleep patterns, and boundaries all play a crucial role in supporting optimal cognitive function and overall well-being.

Thoughts and Beliefs: The health of our thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on our mental and physical health. Self- destructive thought patterns and limiting beliefs can contribute to stress, anxiety, and even physical ailments. On the other hand, cultivating a growth mindset, practicing gratitude, and engaging in mindfulness can promote resilience, emotional well-being, and overall brain health. Happiness is not solely a reflection of our mental health or the end goal, but the ability to grow through hardships, embrace resilience, increase joy, and shift our perception of our experiences. This begins with developing self awareness of our thoughts and belief system that are governing our...

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Don't Miss Our May Ask the Expert Event: Sinuses, Allergies & Brain Health

Allergy season is among us, and we want to ensure you are prepared to deal with all of the wonderful things that come with histamine release and the sniffles! For some people with allergies, this may cause drowsiness, a runny nose, and swelling, while others may face deeper issues such as autonomic dysfunction, brain fog, anxiety, sleep issues, and more. We don't want you to have to face this alone with no guidance! Therefore, we have asked an expert to share his wisdom and tools with our patients who wish to walk through allergy season prepared! 

Join us on Thursday, May 16th from 8:30-9:30am for an insightful discussion with special guest Dr. Michael Kaplan, an expert in Ear, Nose & Throat conditions.

Dr. Kaplan will be joining Dr. Cheng Ruan to discuss:

  • The role of sinuses and allergies in overall health
  • Common sinus issues like sinusitis and their impacts on the brain, ANS, and immune system
  • Connections between sinus/allergy problems and brain health
  • Effective...
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Dysautonomia Group Recap: Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System

During the session, Dr. Ruan discussed the importance of mindset in managing the patient's autonomic dysfunction. They explored the concept of expectations versus perceived reality and how this gap can create feelings of disappointment and loneliness. They also delved into the significance of support systems and relationships in managing the condition, as well as the concept of loneliness and its potential impact on health.

Dr. Ruan explained how loneliness can lead to a physiological response of rejection, which can exacerbate the patient's symptoms. They touched on the importance of reframing one's mindset from "fixing" to "curiosity," which can help view the condition as an area for improvement rather than a problem to be fixed.

Additionally, they emphasized the importance of communication in managing the condition, as sharing experiences and struggles with others can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, and foster understanding and support.

The discussion also...

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What we Know about Trauma, Immune Function, and Psychedelics

Unlocking the Power of Mind-Body Medicine for Autoimmune Conditions

During our recent Autoimmune Group Visit series, we had the privilege of hosting Dr. Greg Di'Camillo, an expert in the field of trauma and transformational tools. He and Dr. Ruan shed light on various impacts of trauma, how it impacts the body in a variety of ways, its impact on immune function, and how we can use this knowledge as power to heal in alternative ways.

One of the key insights that emerged from our discussion was the strong correlation between trauma and the development of autoimmune diseases. A 2020 study involving 120,572 active military personnel in the U.S. found that a history of PTSD was associated with a 58% increased risk of developing an autoimmune condition. This underscores the critical importance of recognizing and honoring trauma as a crucial step in managing autoimmune conditions.

To address this, we are committed to continuing to explore and implement a range of mind-body medicine...

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Exploring the Interplay of Neurotransmitters and the Vagus Nerve in Fibromyalgia

brain health fibromyalgia Feb 16, 2024

At Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, we understand the challenges and complexities of living with Fibromyalgia. That's why we are proud to host our Fibromyalgia group visit sessions, designed to provide a safe and supportive community for individuals navigating this chronic condition. Our group visits offer a unique opportunity for members to come together, share their experiences, and find solace in knowing they are not alone on their journey. Through these sessions, we aim to empower individuals with Fibromyalgia with knowledge, resources, and a sense of belonging as they navigate the ups and downs of managing their symptoms. Join us and discover the power of community in overcoming Fibromyalgia.

During our recent session, we embarked on an enlightening exploration of various topics crucial to our overall well-being. From the impact of neurotransmitters on our health to the role of the vagus nerve and the significance of physical structures like the jaw and airway, our...

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Felix Liao, Airway Mouth Doctor Discusses the Dental and Brain Connection

Dive into the enlightening world of holistic dentistry with Dr. Liao, the esteemed Airway Mouth Doctor, at the Demystifying Fibromyalgia Conference! 

Embark on a journey where Dr. Liao unveils the profound connection between our mouths and the overall health of our bodies, offering invaluable insights into the holistic approach to dentistry and its profound impact on our well-being. Conference recordings are all available now through the Physician Transformation Institute. Click here for more info and to access recordings!

From the earliest stages of life, our growth is intricately linked to the functions of the mouth. Dr. Liao expertly guides us through the developmental milestones and elucidates how the mouth plays a pivotal role in this remarkable journey.

Dr. Liao emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining proper jaw and mouth structure to support an open airway. The intricate interplay between the structure of our skull, airway, and jaw is pivotal for various...

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Solving the Cognitive Health Mystery through Brain Mapping

When considering brain health, we often think of conditions deemed irreversible, seemingly unaffected by lifestyle changes. However, through analyzing high-quality data, we gain insights into the functioning of the brain and mental health, paving the way for actionable steps toward desired outcomes.

Utilizing tangible data, we can chart a course for change. While each person possesses a unique brain signature, common patterns offer valuable clues for improving outcomes.

Brain mapping compares an individual's brain wave patterns to those of a healthy control group, highlighting regions with abnormal activity levels. Armed with this data, individuals often contemplate their contribution to achieving desired health outcomes. This comparison helps us as providers identify any areas where your brain might be functioning differently, which can be key in understanding conditions like anxiety, ADHD, or even concussions.

But brain mapping isn't just about diagnosis. It's also about...

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Unveiling the Connection: Trigeminal Nerves and Their Role in Anxiety and Panic

Today, during the illuminating Brain Train Group Visit Session at the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Ruan delved into a captivating topic: the Trigeminocardiac Reflex (TCR). This fascinating neurological phenomenon, also known as TCR, sheds light on the intricate relationship between the trigeminal nerves and our mental well-being. In this article, we'll explore the insights shared during the session and understand the implications of TCR on anxiety and panic.

The Trigeminal Nerves: A Gateway to Understanding

One compelling theory discussed at the session suggests that head injuries can trigger PTSD by manipulating the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve, responsible for transmitting sensory information from the face and head, has a profound impact on our emotional responses. This connection between traumatic head injuries and PTSD opens a window to understanding how the trigeminal nerve might influence our mental health.

The Lingual Nerve and the Trigeminocardiac...

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The Restorative Power of Sleep: A Vital Component for Cognitive, Brain, and Mental Health

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, it's easy to overlook one of the most powerful and accessible tools available to us: sleep. Sleep is not merely a state of rest; it is a fundamental pillar of good health, particularly when it comes to cognitive, brain, and mental health. For those navigating the challenging waters of any emotionally turbulent season, sleep becomes even more critical. In this article, we will explore why sleep is the most important piece in a person's health journey, especially for managing cognitive functions, brain health, and mental well-being amidst the complexities of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sleep and Cognitive Functions

Think of your brain as a well-tuned orchestra, with different cognitive functions working in harmony to create a seamless symphony. Now, imagine what would happen if one instrument were out of tune - the whole performance would suffer. Similarly, when we lack sufficient sleep, our cognitive functions are affected,...

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Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Virtual Brain Train Group Sessions with Dr. Ruan! Health Coaching Chronicles

At TCLM, we are thrilled to invite you to our transformative Brain Train Group Sessions, led by the esteemed Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD. We would love to take you on a journey through the enriching experience of our virtual group sessions, designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to conquer the challenges of modern life and boost cognitive function and mental wellness. 


These are a few of our favorite things about our Brain Train Group Visit Sessions and what you can expect! 

  1. Enhancing Brain Health and Mental Well-being: In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, it's easy to overlook the well-being of our minds. Our Brain Train Group Sessions offer a unique opportunity to prioritize mental health, guiding you to explore the triggers of brain-related issues and paving the way for effective solutions. By joining our sessions, you will discover the power of a holistic approach to brain health, addressing the root causes rather...

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